
We search for the employee you need.

Fast and easy with results.

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Why should you choose

Easy managed dashboard.

High accuracy CV search.

Smart tools for easy CV management.

Trusted by companies


Select the service that suits you better.

Post an ad

From: 35€

  • Ask candidates up to 3 questions
  • We promote your job opening in Linkedin, Facebook, Instagram and X
  • We notify candidates of high match rate about your job opening
  • Applications filtered for better management

Search CVs

From: 75€

  • Search filters for easier candidate sorting
  • Build your own CV database
  • Comment and forward CVs in your team
  • Schedule meetings with candidates

Combo Professional


  • Post 5 ads for 30 days
  • Search CVs for 30 days
  • Incl. all features from the “Search CVs” service
  • All features from the CV search service

Combo Unlimited


  • Unlimited job ads for one year
  • CV search for one year
  • All features from the ad pack
  • All features from the CV search service